Agri-Business Committee Offering Scholarships
Findlay, Ohio, February 15, 2017 – The Agri-Business Committee of the Findlay·Hancock County Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting applications to award scholarships to area students pursuing college studies in agriculture, home economics, natural resources, or other agriculturally related fields. Applicants can either be high school seniors pursuing further studies or current college students.
Applications are available from Findlay City and Hancock County school guidance counselors or Ag teachers, at the Findlay·Hancock County Chamber office, or online. To be considered, one application and two completed references will need to be submitted to the following address by March 31, 2017:
Agri-Business Scholarship Committee
Findlay·Hancock County Chamber of Commerce
123 East Main Cross Street
Findlay, OH 45840
Applications may also be submitted by email to lpoland@FindlayHancockChamber.com. After reviewing all applications, finalists will be contacted to complete the selection process.
If you have any questions please feel free contact The Chamber at 419-422-3313, or lpoland@FindlayHancockChamber.com.
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123 East Main Cross Street
Findlay, OH 45840
P: 419.422.3313
F: 419.422.9508