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The Impact of Prediabetes on Your Workforce

The CHamber, in collaboration with the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation will host Hancock County Safety Council, featuring a presentation on The Impact of Prediabetes on Your Workforce on Thursday, September 2, 2021 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. This webinar costs $10 to attend.

The webinar will feature two main speakers: Nicole Smith, Diabetes Program Consultant, and Liz Curry, Registered Dietitian & Diabetes Coordinator, both from the Ohio Department of Health.

Although prediabetes generally does not have recognizable symptoms, this presentation will outline the risk factors, provide information on a prediabetes risk assessment, and discuss the diagnosis of prediabetes/diabetes using blood tests. Given the rising costs of diabetes care and the increased risk for COVID-19 complications for people with chronic conditions, this presentation could literally save lives. Employers will also learn the benefits of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) and the associated tools and resources available to organizations involved in the program.

Register online.

The Hancock County Safety Council is co-sponsored by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Safety & Hygiene Division, and holds regular meetings to increase awareness of a safe environment in the workplace.

For more information, visit HancockCountySafetyCouncil.com, contact The Findlay•Hancock County Chamber of Commerce at 419.422.3313, or email info@FindlayHancockChamber.com.


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