Stand Alone Email Request
Member-to-Member promotions are a quick and creative way to get your organization’s message across to the Findlay-Hancock County Chamber audience. Email blasts can easily be linked to your website, company social media, or other desired link – so you have full control over what you share. Our email blasts can be tailored to fit your exact needs and specifications*.
- Job Opportunities/Now Hiring
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Special Promotion
- Company Event
$125.00 per blast
New Members – Contact us and we’ll do your first member announcement for free. It’s a great way to get started and promote your business.
Please send any desired art files in a PDF, JPEG or PNG format.
Past Member Email Examples
*We request 48 hours reservation so we have time to get you a proof before it goes out to the general list. This is a Chamber Member-exclusive marketing opportunity.