Stand Alone Email Request

Member-to-Member promotions are a quick and creative way to get your organization’s message across to the Findlay-Hancock County Chamber audience. Email blasts can easily be linked to your website, company social media, or other desired link – so you have full control over what you share. Our email blasts can be tailored to fit your exact needs and specifications*.


  • Job Opportunities/Now Hiring
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Special Promotion
  • Company Event



$125.00 per blast

New Members – Contact us and we’ll do your first member announcement for free. It’s a great way to get started and promote your business.



Please send any desired art files in a PDF, JPEG or PNG format.


Past Member Email Examples

Design Option 1

Design Option 2


*We request 48 hours reservation so we have time to get you a proof before it goes out to the general list. This is a Chamber Member-exclusive marketing opportunity.


Stand Alone Email Request

General Information

Use the form below to request a stand alone member email. Choose between two available design options and submit the requested information.
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Company Address
Company Contact Name
When would you like us to send your email?
We send Member-to-Member emails on Fridays to our entire email subscriber list. To ensure effective communication, let us know when you want your email sent. We schedule them on a first come, first-serve basis and will do our best to match you with an available day.

Design Option #1

Send one flyer-like image to be inserted directly into the email
Max. file size: 1 MB.

Design Option #2

Send multiple photos and text to be placed in a layout design
Top-level header that summarizes information in the email, i.e. name of business, compelling statement, etc.
Alternate headline or further explanation of the headline
Pre-written text in the body of the email, designed for a specific marketing or sales purpose
The next step you want your audience or reader to take, i.e. Register Now, Shop Online, etc.
Max. file size: 1 MB.

Follow-Up Information

Name of Person Submitting Request(Required)
Date of Submitted Request(Required)
If possible, we ask for two weeks notice before you need your email sent so we can make sure everything is prepared and scheduled properly. This will help us provide the best service possible and ensure that your message is effective.